According to modern radiocarbon dates, the woolly mammoth and its companions have also lived in North Siberia and Yukon/Alaska during the height of the Last Ice Age. But during the height of the Last Ice Age, the mammoth, the rhino, the bison, the lion, and the tiger would have starved to death in the Far North. On the arctic plant-cover, growing then in North Siberia and northwestern North America, they would not have found to eat. What kind of a plant-cover was growing in Western Alaska during the height of the Last Glaciation, according to radiocarbon dating? The ancient soil and plant-cover on northern Seward Peninsula, at the Bering Strait, do clearly show us this. According to the C14-dates, the mammoth has lived during the height of the Last Glaciation in the Far North. But in this arctic climate and on this arctic plant-cover, the mammoth, the rhino, the bison, the lion, and the tiger could not have lived. They would have starved up there to death. Some workers have called this contradiction the “Beringian Productivity Paradox”.


Modern radiocarbon dating: how reliable, how trustworthy is that? How reliable are the radiocarbon dates, which they have done on the remains of different kinds of animals of the late Pleistocene mammoth fauna? Have the mammoth and the human being, whose remains they have radiocarbon-dated, really lived at the time, published by the respective laboratory? How trustworthy is the geologist’s time scale of the late Pleistocene and the Holocene, based on these dates?


I became interested in radiocarbon dating, when I noticed this: From one and the same fossil, they have published different C14-dates. The woolly mammoth calf Dima, found in 1977 in Russia’s Far East, for example, is supposed to have lived 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, according to Irena Dubrovo (1990:4). – Professor N. K. Vereshchagin thinks, that Dima is of a very late date, that it is about 9000-10,000 years old. Dima’s skin is 40,000 years old, according to a Russian laboratory. But a laboratory in Rochester, New York, U.S.A., radiocarbon dating tissue from Dima’s carcass, got a date of 26,000 yr B.P. – Guthrie, R. D. (1990:9-13).


Which one of these dates is the correct one? When has the mammoth calf Dima really lived? How reliable are today’s radiocarbon dates? How trustworthy are they? Do they really tell us, when this creature has lived?


First, I would like to make here one thing clear: I am convinced that the laboratories in Russia and in western countries are working very accurately. I am sure that they have counted the number of radioactive and stable carbon atoms in the tested sample correctly. I have no quarrel with that at all. – What I would like to find out here, is: Has the mammoth or human being, whose remains they have radiocarbon-dated, really lived at the time, which the respective laboratory has published? We should also remember here: Upon those radiocarbon dates, the geologists have set up their time-scale for the whole late Pleistocene and Holocene. How reliable is then the time-scale of the late Pleistocene and Holocene, which the geologist is using now? How trustworthy is it?