The tiger during the time of the woolly mammoth in Russia’s Far East: How far north has this large cat lived then? In what kind of a climate, on what kind of a plant-cover? How far north is the tiger living now: in what kind of a climate and on what kind of a plant-cover? How much must the tiger eat? How much prey biomass does this cat need, when living as a nomad, and when living as a resident, when raising cubs?


Also the living tiger will help us, to find out, why the cave lion and the woolly mammoth were able to live in the Far North. It will help us to find out, in what kind of a climate the tiger has lived during the Pleistocene in Russia’s Far East. How far north has the tiger lived during the time of the woolly mammoth and the woolly rhinoceros? Has it also lived in the northern-most parts of Siberia and in Alaska? If so: In what kind of a climate? Was it adapted to an arctic climate? How much must the tiger eat, to maintain its body weight and to grow? How must prey must there be at least, where the tiger is living as a resident, raising cubs?  And in what kind of a climate is this large ungulate biomass able to grow? Could it also exist in an arctic climate?