Chapter 8: The Cell: Its Cause


Why is there life on earth? Why are there plants, animals, and human beings? Why are there one-celled organisms like bacteria and archaea? Why have they arisen? How large and how complex was the first living cell on earth? When has it come into being? What have we found out now?


The first living cell on earth arose some 4 billion years ago, when the surface of our planet had cooled down so much, that there was liquid water on its surface. At first it was hot water, boiling water, up to 100°C and even 110°C. God made then many different kinds of bactaria and archaea. He designed each kind for a certain purpose, to fill an ecological niche. They were living at first - in the early Precambrian Time - in the primordial sea. Around them, volcanoes were spouting out their lava and gases. On the sea floor, at the oceanic spreading ridges, at thermal vents, at black and white smokers (cracks in the sea floor), boiling water, rich in minerals, came up. Some kinds of archaea and bacteria lived there on inorganic food, like carbon dioxide. They did not need any sunlight at all, in order to live.


God also made the blue-green bacteria (cyanobacteria). They lived on the continental shelves, near the coast, in shallow water. They were able to live with sunlight and also without sunlight. When using the energy of the sun-light, they made free oxygen. (More correctly: they set it free.) At first, this free oxygen was swallowed up by the reducing sediments and rocks at the earth's surface. So there was at first no free oxygen in the air. When the reducing sediments and rocks near the earth's surface were filled with oxygen, produced mostly by the blue-green algae, the free oxygen went up into the air. God then made also other kinds of one-celled organisms. They lived on the remains of dead cells, on organic food. These first cells, those living on inorganic food, and those living on organic food, formed the beginning of the earth's food chain.


When living in boiling water, the cell has to be as small as possible. It has to travel light. It must live with as little as possible. Its sophisticated design, its biophysical and biochemical know-how, its genetic information, stored in its circular DNA-chain, have all come from an intelligent person. It can only have been thought out and been made by someone, who knows much more about natural science, about physics, chemistry, and information processing, than any person now living on this earth. This clearly disproves all the doctrines of evolution. The shape of the whole cell and the shape of its machines and tools cannot be reduced to the energy, contained in our universe. And one cannot reduce them to the laws of physics and chemistry. They are creative information.


It has been thought out and made by an intelligent person, long before there was a human being on this earth. Not even now, at the beginning of the 21st century, has any scientist ever been able to make even the simplest living bacterial cell. It is too complicated. The smallest cell is far more complicated, than anything, which man has been able to make till now. The first living cell on earth, some 3.8-4 billion years ago, was already more complex, than the fastest supercomputer, which man has been able to build till now. The first living cells on earth have been just as complex, as those, which are living now. Some of the world's leading evolutionists and members of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA have also admitted this.


Many of the archaea, and some of the bacteria, are living now in hot and in boiling water in volcanic areas. And some of them live on inorganic food. They are living at the upper temperature limit of life. They do show us, how the first living cells have lived on this earth some 4 billion years ago. Hence, they do show us, how complex the first living cells on earth have been.


The more extreme the environment is, the more information the cell needs, in order to survive there. It is, for example, more difficult for a human being, to walk on the moon, than in the local city park. It is also harder, to eat a plate full of gravel, than a plate filled with potatoes, vegetables, and meat. It is also harder to work as a fire fighter, than as an office clerk.


The different genera and species of archaea (and a few bacteria) do show us, how complex the first cells must have been, when they appeared on this earth some 3.8-4 billion years ago. They were living in sea water at a temperature of up to 100°C, and on the hot sea floor, at 110°C. The first living cell was already more complicated, than anything, which man has been able to make till now.


Its genome (DNA chain) contained about 1 000 000 to 3 000 000 base pairs. The genome of the first living cell on earth contained already about 101 200 000 bit of information (yes/no decisions). The first living cell has not thought out and written down its own genetic information. It has not invented itself. It comes from an intelligent person, the Creator. In other words: Long before there was a human being on this earth, there had to be a scientist, who first thought out and wrote down the order (or sequence) of the DNA chain of each basic type of bacterium and archaea. Then he made each one of these first basic types of cells. This means: The creator had to use at least 11 200 000 bit of information, just to put those one to two million base pairs into the right place. That is just like writing the letters, words, and sentences of a text. Chance or some lucky coincidence cannot do that, because they cannot produce any information.


We have also seen: The living cell contains information and mathematics. This information and mathematics do exist independently of mankind. Man has only found and understood it a little. He has not made it. Information and mathematics always come from an intelligent person. The living cell also contains different types of codes: physical and biological codes. Each code has first been thought out and made by an intelligent person. The meaning of the sign (letter) is always non-material, spiritual. It always has its source in a non-material, spiritual world.


Charles Darwin and his followers are very wrong, when they believe that the first cells on earth were very simple and poorly adapted to their environment. And they are also wrong, when they believe that the fittest one among the first cells then evolved into higher form of life, into plants, animals, and human beings, in order to survive. This has now been thoroughly been disproved by modern research and by the fossil record. The oldest, well preserved remains of bacteria come from Western Australia and other parts of our globe. They are 2 billion, 3 billion, and even 3.5 billion years old. They are not simple at all. And they have not evolved at all. Already the first cells, known now from the rocks, were perfect cells, like those of today. Since the beginning, they have been optimally adapted to their environment. Many of these old cells can be identified with genera and species, still living today. The archaea and bacteria of the fossil record do not know anything about evolution. The doctrine of evolution , of neo-Darwinism, is not science, only science fiction, a fraud.


·        The protein of the living cell needs 100% pure amino acids, with exactly two sticking spots. Accident and lightning do always produce only a mixture of amino acids with one, two and more sticking spots. Most of the amino acids in this mixture do have only one sticking spot. These monoamines block the end of the amino-acid chain. It cannot make then a protein. Such a mixture is absolutely useless for the making of protein.


·        The protein of the cell needs 100% pure left-winding amino acids. Accident and lightning do always produce only a mixture of 50% left-winding and 50% right-winding amino acids. Such a racemate is absolutely useless for the synthesis of a living cell.


·        The DNA-chain of the cell need 100% pure right-winding nucleic acids. Accident and lightning do always produce only a mixture of 50% left-winding and 50% right-winding nucleic acids. Such a racemate is for the making of a living cell absolutely worthless.


·        The living cell contains information and highest mathematics. It is an information processing machine. And it is a fully automated chemical factory. It contains a 4-letter nucleic acid code (alphabet). In this code the genetic information of the cell is written, like the text in a book. It contains a 20-letter amino acid code. In this code the proteins of the cell are written, like the text in a book. Already on the level of the code one can now that it was thought out and made by an intelligent person. The meaning of the sign (symbol, letter) is always non-material, spiritual. Information and mathematics do exist independently of mankind. Man has only found them. Information and mathematics always have their source in a non-material, spiritual world. They always come from an intelligent person, from the Creator.


This has been proved now in hundreds of biochemical experiments and by observation. This has clearly been proved scientifically. There is no way around this. These findings alone would be enough already, to overthrow the hypothesis of evolution (neo-Darwinism) once for all times. The theory of evolution (neo-Darwinism) is not science, only science fiction. It is only a pious myth.


Modern Evolution Theory (neo-Darwinism)


The hypothesis of evolution, as now commonly taught throughout the world, has nothing to do with serious natural science at all. It is thoroughly disproved by modern science, by the fossil record and by chemical experiments. It just hides itself behind the white cloak of science, in order to deceive the uninformed person. Neo-Darwinism is a false religion. Chemical evolution is one of the oldest beliefs of pagan religion. The ancient Sumero-Babylonian priests taught already that life on earth has arisen from the mud of the Euphrates and Tigris. The ancient Egyptian priests claimed that life on earth has evolved from the mud of their River Nile. [....]


Ancient Egyptian Religion


Heinrich Brugsch is one of the leading experts of Ancient Egypt and its religion. He writes in his book Religion and Mythology of the old Egyptians (1885): "The representations of most of the four pairs of gods of the Ogdoas (= Eight) are so characteristic that one usually recognizes at once, apart from their number eight, their meaning. Also without the accompanying names and epithets from the pictures. Usually they are shown in the shape of four men and their women. The men, each one with a frog-head, the women, each one with a snake-head on the neck of the human body. Lepsius has already pointed out the meaning of these heads. 'Frog and snake were valid creations as elementary animals. They seemed to be born directly from the earth. They believed that the frog appeared suddenly, and disappeared with the moisture of the earth.'


"According to Chäremon, the frog meant to the Egyptians the Anabiôsis or coming to life again. And according to Horapollon (I,25) it meant a still unformed human being. Since it emerges from the mud of the river, sometimes a part of his body was a frog. Other parts of his body consisted of earth.. And it vanishes with the dwindling river again. At another place, II, 102, he uses a frog, which only has hind-feet, as a sign for a human being. It was not able, to move around for a long time. Later however, it used its feet again. Plinius also points to the wonderful arising of the frogs from the mud and how they do arise again, when in spring the water arrives.


"The Egyptians saw therefore in the frogs imperfect embryonic creatures. They arose with the new floodwater from the mud. They vanished again with the falling water, in order to arise again during the next flood. More than clearly lies hidden here the hint about the arising (= evolution) of the first creatures from the primordial mud of the chaos (= the beginning of the world). And it hardly needs another remark, to prove the meaning of the frog-head of the four male representatives of the Ogdoas.


"The presence of the snake heads on the bodies of the female shapes of the Ogdoas, from time to time with a sun-disc on top, also means something. According to a tradition, which has been preserved, also quoted by Horapollan (I,2), the Egyptians regarded the snake as the heaviest animal, like the earth, and as the most slippery one, like the water. The annual shedding of its skin meant to them the renewing of the earth during its annual course. The secret, why they had chosen the snake-head, can therefore be easily solved.


"The snake symbolized, according to one of its meanings, the periodic renewal of the world-order. It was based on the annual course of the sun. It meant the rebirth of the things on earth (from earth and water), at the end of the year. The understanding of the women of the Ogdoas, with their snake-heads, and with the sun-disc, is secured hereby. Because they meant not only the start of the emerging things in the world, but also their periodic renewal, under the influence of the shining sun of the year ". Brugsch, H. (1885:158, 159).



16S-rRNA-Tree of Life


What is this 16S-rRNA-Tree of Life? What is it supposed to have done? What does it prove?


The small size of bacterial and archaeal cell, with its relatively short DNA-chain, does not prove at all that it is primitive. Small is not primitive. The opposite is true. The cell, adapted to an extreme environment, must travel light, in order to survive there. It must live with as little as possible. It must restrict itself to the smallest possible size, with the smallest number of chemical machines. This does not prove evolution, but creation. It reveals a microbiological design, which is far beyond anything, human scientists are able to do now.


No one has ever found this first cell, the mythical common ancestor of all life on earth. There is no scientific proof for this first cell, the progenote, whatsoever. It exists only in the fantasy of evolutionists. Because they need this first cell, this common ancestor of all life, at the beginning of their creation-myth.


The cell, adapted to boiling water, cannot evolve at all into any higher forms of life. It would break down and perish. Even the smallest archaebacterium, adapted to boiling water, is a fully automated chemical factory. It can only live and work, when it is already perfect, when it contains already all the programs and parts, its software and hardware. It could not work at all, as long as some of its parts are still missing. Or as long, as they have not been completely made.


A new living cell always comes from another living cell, by doubling itself. Outside of an already existing cell, it cannot arise. The cell contains different codes (alphabets). The DNA, RNA, and amino acid code. A code (alphabet, language, with its grammatical rules) is something spiritual, non-material. It always comes from a spiritual, non-material source, from an intelligent person: the Creator.


The sedimentary, fossil record clearly disproves the hypothesis of evolution (neo-Darwinism), as now commonly taught throughout the world. The sedimentary record shows us: The oldest cells on earth were already as complicated, as the cyanobacteria, which are still living today. And they were using the same programs and machines, as those of today (M. Schildlowski).


If the first living cell on earth has been an extremothermophile, an archaebacterium: what should we expect then? This: It was adapted to boiling water. According to the hypothesis of evolution, it must have evolved by itself from inorganic matter in a primordial chemical soup. And the water of this primordial chemical soup must have also been then boiling. The closer we come to the beginning of our planet earth, the hotter its surface has been. It has been so hot at first, that no liquid water was able to exist on earth. But only as steam. In the boiling water of the primordial chemical soup no living cell is able to evolve by itself.


Also in the lukewarm water of the mythical primordial chemical soup, no life could have evolved by itself. The living cell needs 100% pure rightwinding nucleic acids (for its DNA-chain). Lightning and chance always produce only a racemate. That is, a mixture of 50% left-winding, and 50% right-winding nucleic acids. And such a mixture is absolutely useless for making the nucleotides of a living cell.


The living cell needs 100% pure left-winding amino acids (for its proteins). Lightning and chance always produce only a racemate, a mixture of 50% left-winding, and 50% right-winding amino acids. Such a mixture is absolutely useless. It cannot be used, to make the proteins of a living cell.


The living cell needs 100% pure bifunctional amino acids. This means: The amino acid chain will only be able to grow, if each amino acid has exactly two sticking spots. The amino acid, which has only one sticking spot, will block the end of the chain. And no protein will be able to arise. This has been thoroughly proved now in chemical factories. Lightning and chance will always produce only a mixture of different types of chemicals. The amino acids, produced then, are a mixture of many different types: There are amino acids with only one sticking spot (monoamines), amino acids with two sticking spots (bi-functionals), and amino acids, with three or more sticking spots (multi-functionals).


Most of the amino acids, produced by chance and lightning, are monoamines. That is, amino acids with only one sticking spot. This has been proved now by hundreds of biochemical experiments of the Stanley-Miller type. The amino acids, produced there, are absolutely useless for the synthesis of life (B. Vollmert). We should be grateful to Stanley Miller and other biochemists, that they have provided us with this important experimental evidence.


Thus, no living cell will ever be able to arise by itself from inorganic matter in the primordial chemical soup. The laws of physics and chemistry do prevent this. Any assertions to the contrary are only wishful thinking.


The 16S-rRNA contains a certain number of nucleotides. It is only a single chain of nucleotides. It belongs, together with several other units, to the cell's ribosome. The ribosome makes the proteins. Number of rRNA nucleotides = number of sequence alternatives or yes/no decisions. The nucleic acid code has four letters. This shows us, how much information was needed, just to put the different nucleotides of the 16S-rRNA chain into the right order, like the letters in a text. Actually it is still more complicated. The nucleotides of 16S-rRNA are arranged in a three dimensional form. This is so complicated that no human scientist is able to make even a single one of these functional 16S-rRNA machines. Chance cannot do that either. Information always comes from in intelligent person.


The 16S-rRNA also contains proteins. These proteins are made, are written with amino acids. This amino acid code has 20 letters. The amount of protein in the 16S-rRNA shows us, how much information was needed, to write this text, to put the amino acids into the right order. Information, a text, an alphabet, with its grammatical rules, always comes from an intelligent person. Chance cannot do that. The 16S-rRNA text is far more complicated, than a text written on paper. Because it has a three dimensional form. Each one of these functional proteins, with their three-dimensional form, is so complicated, that no human scientists is able to make one.


According to the sedimentary record of our planet, the first cells seem to have been photosynthetic bacteria, like those of today, not archaebacteria. They were just as complicated. They were using the same chemical programs, the same machinery, like those of today. They have not changed at all during the last 3.8-4.0 billion years, since the beginning of the sedimentary record (M. Schidlowski, J. W. Schopf).


Also the photosynthesis apparatus of the cyanobacteria (bluegreen algae), is still the same. They have also used the same enzyme, needed in photosynthesis, some 3.5-3.8 billion years ago, if not earlier. It has not evolved at all. Inorganic matter does not know anything about photosynthesis in bacteria. The photosynthesis apparatus of the cyanobacterium is only able to work, when it is complete. As long, as it is only partly finished, and as long as some vital parts are missing, it cannot function at all. No human scientist is able to make the photosynthesis apparatus of the cyanobacterium. It is far too complicated. Much of it, he does not even understand yet. An intelligent person first had to think it out, and to make it, long before the first human being appeared on our planet. He had to know more about physics, chemistry, and microbiology, than any human scientist, now living on this earth: the Creator.


The bacterial cells do have at least two different types of envelopes (skins): Gram-positive, and Gram-negative. These two cell envelopes are completely different. They need different genetic programs, stored in the cell's DNA. A program, a written text, is spiritual, non-material. It has its source in a spiritual, non-material world. The envelope (skin) of the bacterial and archaeal cell arises only from another envelope (skin) of a living cell. It cannot be made anew (S. Scherer).


There are at least three different basic types of cells:

·        Cells with a cell-core, like in plants and animals. Its DNA is tied into a bundle.

·        Bacterial cells. Their DNA chain has the shape of a circle.

·        Archaebacteria (archaea), also with a circular DNA-chain.


Most microbiologists do agree that these three different types of cells are very different from each other. They are just as different from each other, they say, as a human being is from a plant. The programs, needed, to make these different forms and machines in these three basic types of cells, first had to be thought out, and encoded, stored in DNA. That is, an intelligent person first had to think them out and to make them.


Inorganic matter does not know anything about a living cell. It is only ruled by physical laws. It does not know anything about the DNA/RNA code, with its four letters, about the protein code, with its 20 letters. Nor does inorganic matter know, how to make DNA- and protein- chains. Inorganic matter does not know anything about the programs and tools, and machines, which are needed, to make this fully automated chemical factory. A fully automated chemical factory cannot arise by itself. No human being has ever been able, to build a living cell. It is far too complicated. All this comes from an intelligent persons, who knows much more about physics, chemistry, and microbiology, than any human scientist, now living on this earth. Any assertions to the opposite are only wishful thinking.


The cell multiplies, by doubling itself. From one cell, perfectly adapted to its environment, it makes two cells. It must also double then its genetic code, its construction manual. When copying a text, mistakes will arise in the living cell. But its proof-reading apparatus reads the replicated text and corrects the mistakes. Proof reading and correcting a written text always come from an intelligent person. Inorganic matter does not know anything about proof-reading and correcting the replicated text of the cell's DNA chain. The proof reading and correcting of mistakes in the DNA chain are something spiritual, non-material, having their source in a spiritual, non-material world, with the Creator.


The natural laws, which rule inorganic matter, the laws of physics and chemistry, contain physical information and highest mathematics. This information and mathematics exist independently of mankind. They are spiritual, non-material. Man has only found and understood them a little. They also have their source in a spiritual, non-material world.


The hypothesis of evolution (neo-Darwinism), as now taught around the world, has been weighed on the scales and been found wanting. It has nothing to do whatsoever with serious scientific research. It is only a pious myth, a pagan religion. The hypothesis of evolution (of neo-Darwinism), as now commonly taught, is one of the world's oldest forms of false religion. It is about 4000 years old. It comes from Ancient Babylonia (Sumer/Akkad) and Ancient Egypt. The priests of Sumer taught, that life on earth has arisen from the mud of the Euphrates and Tigris River. And the priests of Ancient Egypt claimed that life on earth has evolved by itself from the mud of their River Nile.


Many microbiologists now claim in all earnestness: The "16S-rRNA tree of life" proves that all life on earth has evolved by itself from the first cell: the common ancestor of the plants, the animals, and of mankind. But scientific research as thoroughly disproved this. What, then, is really behind this belief? This: The ancient Canaanites and other pagans in the Middle East also worshipped a tree-of-life, in the form of a holy tree or a holy pole. They called it Asherah. They worshipped this deity as the source of life. They believed that she gives new life to the dead. They believed that she gives new life to the plants, the animals, and to mankind.


This ancient goddess Asherah, as the tree-of-life, was just the West Semitic form of the Sumerian god Dumuzi. He is better known under the name of Tammuz. They worshipped him as the tree-of-life, or branch-of-life. His worship spread from Ancient Babylonia throughout the Ancient Middle East. They believed that he gives life to the world, and new life to those, who have died. They believed that he gives life to the plants, the animals, and to mankind. They worshipped this ancient Sumerian god Tammuz (Dumuzi) as the Savior of mankind, as the Messiah. He died each year for the life of the world.


The 16S-rRNA tree-of-life, of today's microbiologists, one has put together with the hypothesis of chemical evolution. This means: The modern hypothesis of evolution (neo-Darwinism), as now commonly taught throughout the world, is just another form of the ancient pagan Sumerian Messiah Tammuz, as the giver of life. It is just a new form of the false Babylonian Messiah, in a scientific dress. It is based on a lie. It is fully disproved now by modern science. This god of evolution, worshipped now under the form of the 16S-rRNA-tree of life, is the real god of this world.


What evolution is supposed to be able to do: Evolution (neo-Darwinism) caused the first living cell to arise from inorganic matter of the primordial chemical soup. And from this first living cell, all life on earth has then evolved: the plants, animals, and finally mankind, they say. Hence, evolution knows much more about physics, chemistry, and microbiology, than any human being, now living on this earth. Because no human scientist is able to make even a single living cell. It is too complicated. This is the real god of this world: the God of Evolution.


Evolution (neo-Darwinism) also works through chance, through lucky coincidents, they say. It is the ancient God of Luck, who was also worshipped by the ancient pagans.


Evolution (neo-Darwinism) also works through fate. Because already within inorganic matter, there is an inner upward drive towards life, they say. Hence, evolution (neo-Darwinism), as now commonly taught around the world, is also the ancient pagan God of Fate, of Predestination.


The God of Evolution (neo-Darwinism) appears now in different forms: As the 16S-rRNA tree of life, as the God of Chemical Evolution, as the God of Luck, and as the God of Fate. How does that now all fit together? - In the ancient Middle East, these different deities were only different forms or aspects, of one and the same god: of Tammuz (Dumuzi). He is the false Babylonian Messiah, the Giver of Life.



What the Bible says


Some of the world's leading evolutionists would like make the uninformed reader believe: Every serious scientist believes now in evolution. The intelligent person is an atheist and believes in evolution. The more intelligent you are, and the more highly you are educated, the more you will be an atheist and the more you will believe in evolution. The stupid person believes in God and in creation. The more ignorant you are, the more you will believe in God and in creation. - Is that scientific? Is that true? - No. The opposite is true. The answer to this we find in the Bible, the inspired Word of the true God.


In Psalms 14:1, King David says: "The senseless one has said in his heart: There is no Jehovah." (NW). The King James Bible says here: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God."


1 Corinthians 3:19, 20: "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; for it is written: 'He catches the wise in their own cunning.' And again: 'Jehovah knows that the reasonings of the wise men are futile.'" (NW).


Romans 1:18-25: “For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are surpressing the truth in an unrighteous way, because what may be known about God is manifest to them. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their unintelligent heart became darkened.


“Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things (= hypothesis of evolution). Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather then the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen.” (NW).


The true God is the God of the Bible. His name is Jehovah (JHVH). He has thought out and made the universe, our planet Earth, and the plants, animals, and mankind on it (Genesis, Chapter 1). There is not a single scientific fact (experimental and observational), that could disprove the creation account of the Bible, the inspired Word of the true God. To the contrary: The more serious scientists find out about the living cell, the more they realize that true science supports the creation account of the Bible, and disproves the unscientific philosophy and religion of the evolutionists, materialists, atheists, and agnostics in East and West. It is high time that they woke up out of their dreams and realized, what the following text in the Bible really means, in Revelation 4:11 (NW):


“You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.”