Chapter 8: Electromagnetical Field

The electromagnetic wave and the electromagnetic field: How do they work? Which role does the electromagnetic field play in the temporal and spatial order of our physical universe, together with the gravitational field? What have scientists found out now about this?

Stratis Karamanolis was born in Greece, and is working now in Munich, Southern Germany. He studied electro-technics, worked as an aero- and space-travel technician (at MBB), and is now a science writer. He says in his book Rätsel der Materie (Riddle of Matter) about "Radiation and Temperature":

"At the beginning, when the world arose, there was only the compressed energy within the so-called cosmic egg. From this energy, due to the primordial explosion, the material world has arisen. But between energy and matter there lay a huge process of development. The first stage of this process was a phase of high-energetic radiation. ... Through the primordial explosion, most of the creative energy was changed into radiation, spreading out evenly into all directions. A small part of this creative energy was used for other, just as important physical processes, for example, to make the needed high temperature." (1988:33).

"But what is radiation, and how can it make energy? Radiation can generally be understood as the spreading out of energy in the form of waves or particles. The radiation, arisen through the primordial explosion, can only have had a wave-character, since particles of matter have not existed then. In this phase, radiation, thus, means the spreading out of energy in the form of waves or photons. When it is electromagnetic energy, we are dealing with electromagnetic waves, and accordingly with electromagnetic fields. If they are gravitational energy, we are dealing with gravitational waves and -fields.

"A field is an excited state of a space filled with energy. Thus, there can only be a field, if there is energy. If this energy has a gravitational form, a gravitational field will arise; if it is of an electrical nature, an electric field will arise, and so on. Fields do reveal their presence through the forces, they exert on bodies, coming into the realm of the field. But these bodies must be able to respond to the influence of this field. An electrically neutral body, for instance, would not feel within an electric or magnetic field any force at all." - Karamanolis, S. (1988:33).

"The well-known atomic physicist Robert Oppenheimer stated: ‘We can say this about the characteristics of matter: Matter, and therefore, particles, are nothing else, but small areas of space of the electromagnetic field, wherein the strength of the field is reaching an enormously high value, so that large amounts of energy are concentrated within a very small area...’

"H. Weyl writes about this: ‘According to the field-theory of matter, a particle of mass, like an electron, is only a small area of the electric field, wherein the field-strength has assumed enormously high values, so that a relatively large field-energy is concentrated within a very small space. ...

"And finally Albert Einstein’s words: ‘Thus, we may view matter as the realm of space, wherein the field is extremely dense..., in the new physics, there is no room for both field and matter, for the field is the only reality.’ ...

"Empty space actually is not empty, but contains a certain amount of photons. Hence, it represents a homogenous electromagnetic field... Each photon, thus, represents an energy-packet with energy of hv1. When this photon now collides with another photon with an energy of hv2, and if both of these photons have enough energy, to make a particle, like an electron, for example, a particle of matter will arise, that is, condensing of energy, producing a non-homogeneity within the electromagnetic field. Such energy condensing is depicted in Figure 15 (of his book) in the shape of an energy-packet, with an energy of hv3. This energy-packet may depict, for instance, an electron, if the total energy of the two photons has a value of the needed 0.5 MeV. When the sum of the energies hv1 and hv2 is larger (for example ca. 1 GeV), a proton can arise, which will cause then a larger non-homogeneity of the electromagnetic field, than the electron." (1988:57).

"We are able to trace the development only from the point of time, lying 10-43 seconds after the primordial explosion. This is the so-called Planck’s time. The radiation-density before this time is not known. It is called Planck’s density and is estimated to have a value of more than 1090 g/cm³."

The fundamental constants of physics: are they constant, or have they changed with time?

Stratis Karamanolis: "Often one has assumed, that also the fundamental constants, only a few or all of them, have changed with time. So, one used to assume, that the elementary load, that is, the electric load, has increased with time. Similar ideas one has voiced about the gravitational constant G. ... Hypotheses like that have been given up again, since the resulting, far-reaching consequences have not been verified. Natural phenomena, like electricity or magnetism - are found in the form of characteristics within matter. Like the natural laws, the fundamental constants and the natural forces must be viewed has having been given.

"Matter, and thus particles, are, as we have seen, condensed electromagnetic fields... Heavier particles, like photons, neutrons, and so on, are condensations of the electromagnetic field, which are denser than those of lighter particles, like electrons. .. Matter is nothing else, but energy-knots, producing a certain non-homogeneity within the originally homogene electromagnetic field. Without any matter, the universe, filled with photons, would be such a homogeneous electromagnetic field..." (1988:84, 100).

Smith-chart, standing waves. After F. Kohlrausch (1986:121). The circles of these standing waves the circle-number pi has made, together with other fundamental constants of physics. This shows us, how the circle-number pi is forming its circles and spheres also in smaller forms. This cosmic software, and the mathematics, on which it is based, does have its source in the non-material, spiritual world. They have been thought out and made by the Creator.


Speed of Light

The electromagnetic wave is moving in a vacuum with the speed of light, with exactly 299,792,458 m/s. It is moving in a straight line, till stopped or diverted by an obstacle. The longest possible electromagnetic wave, 299,792,458 m long, is carrying the energy quantum of 1 Planck constant (h), with is 6.626,075,5∙10-34 J.s. It is moving just as fast, as the short, strong gamma ray, carrying much energy.

The electromagnetic wave has no restmass. Thus, it is able to move in a vacuum with the speed of light. This speed of light in a vacuum is a universal fundamental constant. With it, other fundamental constants are connected. The speed of light in a vacuum is only able to move with the speed of light, if the critical energy density of the universe is 2∙10-29 g/cm³. If the critical energy of the universe were denser than now, the electromagnetic wave could not move with 299,458,075 m/s. And all the other fundamental constants, connected with it, would also collapse. It is a universal fundamental constant. It does not change with time.  

Electromagnetic Field

We have learned, when looking at the gravitational field, that each particle of mass in the universe is connected with every other particle through its gravitational field - at least a little bit. Thus, the whole spherical universe is one gravitational field. And it also has its center of gravity. Each particle in the universe also gives off and takes in all the time electromagnetic radiation. In other words: Each particle of mass in the universe has also its own electromagnetic field. And each one of these electromagnetic fields has an infinite reach. They are able to roam across the whole universe. To this electromagnetic radiation, sent off by each particle of matter in the universe, we still must add the photons of the microwave background radiation, with their 2.7-K-radiation. There are 411 of these primordial photons in each cubic centimeter of cosmic space. Thus, the whole universe is also one huge electromagnetic field. New findings have verified this now.

How fast is information transmitted in the universe? - The physicist will answer: Information can only move with the speed of light. Nothing in the universe is able to move any faster, than light, about 300,000 km/second. This is one of the basic doctrines of modern physics. The gravitation, carrying the gravitational force, is moving with the speed of light. The photon, carrying the electromagnetic force, is also moving in a vacuum with the speed of light. Nothing is able to move any faster. No serious physicist would even dare to doubt this. At least not all. Some have also thought about this.

Faster than Light

Physicist John Gribbin reports in the journal New Scientist of 26 February 1994 on page 16 under the heading "Atomic telepathy is faster than light": "In the past decades, physicists have carried out experiments which show that under special circumstances subatomic particles can communicate with each other instantaneously. This finding has been tough for them to swallow but now they are faced with yet another puzzle. A German scientist has shown that in theory any pair of atoms can communicate with each other faster than light.

"The possibility of detecting instantaneous communication, known as a ‘nonlocal’ interaction, was raised in the 1960s by John Bell of CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics. The effect was finally observed by Alain Aspect in Paris in the 1980s. He demonstrated that two photons ejected in opposite directions from an atom remain ‘entangled’, as if they were one particle. So when the state of one photon is measured, this instantaneously affects the state of the other, wherever it may be in space. Now it seems that even atoms which have never come into contact (from the perspective of classical Newtonian physics) are entangled in a similar way.

"Gerhard Hegerfeldt of the University of Göttingen discovered this when he corrected a mistake made by Enrico Fermi in 1932. The calculation Fermi carried out, in the early days of quantum mechanics, concerned how one atom responds to radiation emitted by another atom of the same kind some distance away. If the first atom is in an excited state, sooner or later it will emit radiation, falling back to the ground state. This radiation will have exactly the right frequency to excite the second atom (this is one of the principles of the laser).

"Common sense tells us that the first atom cannot be excited until there has been time for radiation travelling with the speed of light to cross the gap. This is indeed the result Fermi found when he carried out the calculation. But it now turns out that the great man made a mistake. But Hegerfeldt’s correct version of the calculation now makes it clear that there is a small chance that the first atom will be excited the instant the second atom decays... Now the experts have to explain what this mathematical result means. The best interpretation of the evidence so far seems to be that we should not think of any object, not even a single atom, as an ‘isolated system’.

"Because particles must also be considered as waves (one of the basic tenets of quantum mechanics), the individual particles in the atom are spread out, and there is a finite (though small) chance of finding them anywhere in the Universe. So the wave functions of the electrons in the first atom overlap with those of the electrons in the second atom. They are entangled, like the two photons produced in Aspect’s experiment, and when an electron in one atom jumps down an energy level that can instantaneously make its counterpart in the other atom jump up by the same amount." - Gribbin, J. (1994:16).